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Superheroes are all around us – who is yours?

Mike Crutchley • Apr 27, 2021

People go the extra mile to help others, especially in the pandemic

Today is National Superhero Day and if the past year has taught us anything, it is that there are superheroes all around us.
When the world came to a standstill in March last year, superheroes donned masks, gloves and medical scrubs and tried to save as many lives as they could.
Superheroes also manned the tills in supermarkets, helped stock shelves and handled deliveries, and we relied on couriers to bring us day-to-day essentials.
They drove ambulances, fire engines and police cars trying to keep everyone safe, while putting themselves on the line.
They kept schools going and brought us the new world of home learning.
There were many more who helped vulnerable neighbours and family who were struggling on their own.
Today is also International Workers' Memorial Day, remembering those who lost their lives at work. And the past year has seen many frontline staff make the ultimate sacrifice to help others through the pandemic. Every one of them is a superhero and deserves our thanks.
Superhero Day reminds us that superheroes can come in any shape, size or colour, and being one is more about bravery of the heart than having actual super-powers. 
It could be a friend, neighbour, relative – it could even be you.
Anyone who sorted out shopping for people who were shielding or isolating, picked up prescriptions, shared pasta and toilet roll, or just picked up the phone to ask how you are is a superhero.
After the 13 months we have just endured, it is the perfect time to celebrate these heroes among us.
They are everyday people who rise to the occasion of helping in the face of danger and adversity. Not only that, but this is an ideal that can be passed on and practiced in our daily lives.
Someone helping the homeless with food or clothes, comforting a crying stranger, or stopping to help someone with a flat tire on the side of the road can all be considered superheroes.
There are many ways you can honour a superhero, from treats to public recognition, but few do it for the praise of others. A genuine thank you for what they have done goes a long way.
Real superheroes aren’t easy to spot. Unlike in films and cartoons, they don’t wear capes and costumes with their pants over the top.
They are usually very well disguised so you’ll need to keep your eyes and ears open.
And it’s worth remembering that for all their superhero efforts, they have bad days and their own worries and problems, so while we are thanking them for all that they do, it’s worth taking a second to ask them how they are and if there’s anything they need.
We all have the power to be superheroes – a little bit of effort on our part can make a huge difference to someone who is having a hard time of things and needs help, but probably won’t ask for it.

#SuperheroDay #teachers #doctors #nurses #nhs #firefighters #ambulance #paramedic 
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